75 years of the Prague Spring
History of the the Prague Spring music festival at one place. The book contains, among other things, the photographic collection of photographer Václav Chochola, known for his portraits of Salvador Dali, Louis Armstrong, as well as Emil Zátopek and Jan Zrzavý. The authors of the text explore the Prague Spring from various angles, from chronicles of festival editions, to commenting on significant events of the time that influenced the festival, and it's changing visual identities. The book is divided into chapters by bright coloured divider sheets with photographs designed in a collage-style – arranged in the manner of a photo album, and it is enriched by interviews with the witnesses on light coloured backgrounds.
© 2022/2023, concept and design by Katka Orlíková, Tibor Vizi, Barbora Toman Tylová, retouching by Jiří Koudelka
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